Friday, September 23, 2011

Here - pee in this...

That's a phrase and activity I'm going to be getting REALLY comfortable with!!

We had our first doctor's appointment last week. It's the first prenatal appointment of MANY more to come. It was exciting and scary all at the same time. The first appointment is mainly an 'informative' type of appointment.
You sit down in a room with the prenatal nurse and you review both mom and dad's medical history, family history, etc. You take a look at the date of your last period and estimate your due date (May 1st - what a beautiful time for a baby huh?). And then you start talking about your 'testing options.'

Let me start by saying that I am not a woman who likes surprises. With so much out of my control and so much happening to my body (already!) I want to know as much as I can about the baby and the process. So yes, we are going to find out the sex of the baby. And when asked 'Do you want to perform genetic testing?' we answered with a loud 'HELL YES.'
We believe in taking advantage of all that modern technology has to offer. So, after receiving a stack of pamphlets and baby magazines, I was whisked off to provide blood and urine samples.

We were tested for first, the obvious - a pregnancy. Surprise! Positive. hehe
We were also tested for the usual immunity stuff. I was tested for toxoplasmosis immunity which is done if you have cats. I'm not immune so lucky and loving Jay will be changing the litter until May :-) And finally I was tested for cystic fibrosis. I am not a carrier and so Jay does not need to be tested (phew!)

First round of tests, under our belt. We're almost pros at this already! (Who am I kidding...)

Our next appointment will be the most special of them all. We will hear the heartbeat. I am both anxious and excited and like any mom I worry. I worry we won't hear it, I worry it won't be strong enough. But every day I try to force those fears to the side and I try to focus on enjoying each day. Jason is a great comfort and assures me that everything will be ok, and deep down inside I know that it will.

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