Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Sweetest Sound

First, let me start by saying that technology is AMAZING! I was beyond shocked to learn that our parents did not even have the technology of ultrasound! I cannot imagine. After announcing my pregnancy to Jay's family we heard the funniest story, which I will recount here, before moving on to the real topic of this thread:
Since there was no such thing as an ultrasound when Jay's grandmother was pregnant, she actually learned she was having twins...get this...IN THE DELIVERY ROOM!

A phone call was placed to Jay's grandfather: "We have a surprise! Your wife gave birth to twins! Get to the hospital right away!"
Upon arriving to the hospital, he was greeted by another doctor (not the one who placed the phone call):
"Mr. Reed! We have a surprise! There was another baby!"
Whoops - no - just twins :-) The second doctor was not aware of the first doctor's phone call. Great story.

Ok, moving on. A few weeks ago I purchased an amazing piece of technology. A home fetal doppler device. Although the baby's heart was technically beating, I knew I wouldn't be able to hear it that early, but I was still excited to make the purchase. A few days later it arrived, and as expected, I couldn't hear a thing. Well, to be more specific, I heard a lot of static and my OWN heartbeat... Not very exciting.
I repeated this process every few days or so, still without luck - until this morning!! I HEARD THE BABY'S HEARTBEAT!!!

It was the sweetest sound. I wish that Jason was home to experience it with me. He wasn't, but I'm sure I'll find it again for him and we can share that moment again and again.
It didn't sound the way that I expected - and I think it's because it's still early. It didn't sound much like a heartbeat at all, but more like a whooooosh, or more like putting your ear to a sea shell. I knew I found it though because 1) I hadn't heard this sound before and 2) my monitor consistently showed a heartbeat around 165 which I was never able to detect before.

What an amazing thing... I'm hoping that this device will help me bond with the baby in those months before I will actually be able to feel the baby move. I really feel like it's REAL now. Sure, my nausea and growing gut were signs, but this was REAL. I heard her :-) 
(yes, her, we're convinced it's a girl!!)

By the way, if anyone is curious about the device that I used, I bought the Sonoline B.


  1. I am so happy that you heard the heartbeat. Hope that Jason will hear it when he gets home today. Love Auntie

  2. Yay! So glad you finally heard it! I love you so much and lil Miss Veda if in fact she is a she :)

  3. okay now I have tears in my eyes ....

  4. yay! nicole i love that! Dopplers are pretty great devices! Amazingly sweet story and yes it will totally help you bond with HER!! :) i have faith you will find it again for Jay, no that you know its audible! ;-) love you guys!

  5. Best invention, I could not stop playing with it!
