Friday, September 23, 2011


When I first found out that I was pregnant, I felt GREAT! I figured, hey, I feel so great, I must be one of those lucky few that don't get morning sickness! Woohoo! Pregnant women everywhere are going to hate me, but I don't care! I've never felt better!

Hahahahaha.... think again mama! Fast forward a few weeks when the high levels of hcg kick in and HELLO nausea! The only way that I can explain the feeling is to compare it with riding the tilt-a-whirl 15 times in a row. And feeling like that constantly. Or if you've ever experienced motion sickness on a boat... it's that. But worse. And it doesn't go away.

Remember - food is ALL that I had left!! And now my one source of comfort makes me gag! OH NO. Now I'm nauseous, hungry, and worried I'm not providing enough nutrients for my baby. Begin downward spiral of moodiness and depression.

I couldn't concentrate on work, I hated food, I resented my husband merrily eating his dinner with glass of wine in hand, and I needed help fast. Ok - let's go to the internet. What can I do to make this go away?

Fast forward a few days and I'm home sipping ginger ale, sucking on ginger flavored preggie pops, nibbling on ginger snaps, with sea band wrist thingies on. Yes, this was most definitely a sight to see. Oh, and I was in tears I might add. None of this crap was working and I was fed up.
So I made a call to my wonderful understanding nurse Nancy, left a weepy message and begged for some help.

Enter - Zofran! *Ta Da!* Kind of sounds like the name of a super hero doesn't it? Well IT IS! It's the morning sickness super hero and it was here to take all of my problems away! (sort of)
You see, many pregnant chicks don't have a loving doctor like I do. Or perhaps they didn't complain enough (hehe) but mine, however, loved me (or got sick of me calling - you choose) and decided to prescribe me Zofran. This is a medication that was originally created to help the nausea associated with chemotherapy treatments. And it's safe for pregnant chicks. YES! YES! YES!

Is the medication perfect? Nope. I still need to make sure I keep food in my belly, and I need to take it early enough in the morning before the nausea settles in, but it really is a miracle drug. I don't know what I'd do without it.
I will spare you the details of the other side effects (anyone who's taken this medication knows what it is) but let's just say I'd rather not puke than not poop :-)

So - if you have a pregnant friend who is suffering, please pass along this post, or at least the name of my superhero friend, because there is hope. 

1 comment:

  1. Im so glad you found Captain ZOFRAN! amazing that you font have to feel that shitty motion sick so happy for you and im glad you started this little private blog! keep sharing mamamidds! much love!
