Wednesday, December 7, 2011

19 weeks - almost halfway there!

So my 19 week update says this:
"Think you're big now? You'll start growing even faster in the weeks to come."

Oh boy. Oh I KNOW I said I couldn't wait to get the trademark pregnant belly. I know. I'm sorry. I take it back. Go easy on me, I'm new to this.
I'm not ready to grow anymore! This is big enough, thankyouverymuch. I'm already having trouble sleeping due to lower back pain and it doesn't look like my maternity shirts can handle much more! And I have 20 more weeks to go!? Yikessssss.....

I feel the baby move a lot now. It's really cool. It's the strangest sensation and I'm sure will change with time as this little hockey player inside of me grows bigger and stronger. For now it feels like squirming. Sometimes a thump here and there. I felt it from the outside of my belly for the first time yesterday when I had my arm there and I was typing. I can't wait for Jay to feel it, but it's not consistent enough yet, or strong enough yet.

Ok but enough about mama. For this week's food comparison I bring you an heirloom tomato. Baby is 6 inches head to bum and about 1/2 a pound. His brain is developing senses like hearing, taste, smell, touch, etc. They think he can hear me now and I tried to put headphones on my belly to see how he'd react. He was squirming around alright! I think baby is due for a flashlight hip-hop dance-a-thon
His arms and legs are the right proportions to the rest of his body now so they say that he actually looks like a very mini baby now. In the next few weeks he will start to develop all that good baby fat that makes babies so chubby and cute. We get to see him again in January for our 3D/4D visit and I hope he bulks up by then so we can get some good chubby cheeks pictures!

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