Tuesday, October 11, 2011

11 weeks

So, I'm now 11 weeks pregnant. That countdown on the sidebar is haunting me... 203 days left!? Really!? My boss laughs at me and says that I'm 'just not a good pregnant lady.' Is there such a thing? Do people REALLY enjoy this!? They must, since I see people out there with more than one child. Do they brainwash you in the hospital after the baby is born or something? Because I will tell you right now - I will NOT do this again. 

Oh, I know, you will all say - yes you will! You'll want another! You'll get baby fever! Ok, well I'll take baby fever over another 40 weeks of pregnancy any day! I'll make my friends have more kids so I can 'get my fix'!! I will not go through this process again! I will not willingly subject myself to nausea, constipation, and crazy mood swings again! And I am so sure of this - only 11 weeks in. What kind of crazy person am I going to be come April!!??

I welcome your feedback on this mommies, but Jason and I have already made the decision. It's a personal choice, partly financial, partly emotional. We want to be able to afford private school, we want to be able to vacation easily without having to attend to children of different ages, and well frankly we went from not wanting any, to wanting one. So we'll stick with that.

So, you know how I'M doing at 11 weeks (no longer sick in the morning, but now sick in the head.) But what's baby up to? Let's take a look:

Peanut is about an inch and a half long and when looking at that fruit comparison is now being compared to a fig. Not easy to envision since I've only eaten a fig once and was already sliced for me, so I've never seen one whole. 
Baby is moving and kicking up a storm and now hiccuping, but I won't be able to feel it for a few more months. 
The other major development is that the baby now has reflexes and can feel. So if I were to poke my belly, the baby would respond and move. And they say during this week that the baby starts to explore it's face. 

Despite how much I've complained about being pregnant, reading my weekly updates brings me so much joy. I will have to admit that I spent a good deal of time in the beginning worrying if the pregnancy would 'stick.' I'm close to the second trimester now, and no longer have that fear. I'm starting to really bond with the baby and I'm completely fascinated that I'm growing a person. It's insane, really. I am truly a person without patience and waiting for May 1st to arrive is a real test of my character. I can't wait to meet him or her!!


  1. I'm not a mommy but I am an only child, and the only thing I wanted the most in my entire upbringing (and still now) was a sibling to share thoughts, music, memories, feelings, clothes (if possible) and general life. It's tough being an only child, if you two ever consider a 2nd child I would go for it; I think I would be a better person had I'd have grown up with a brother or sister.

  2. You are doing great - try to give yourself a little more credit. This is all new to both of you. The second trimester will be better. As far as being sleep deprived and having post partum = we will all be there to help you. This is the only part that we cant help with very much other than staying out of the line of fire... I remember thinking why would anyone ever have more that one baby... then I held him and the rest of it all fell away...

  3. i just bought my first container(s) of USA figs this week.....i thought they only grew on trees for me and toast in Greece but not true. Market basket this week had california grown figs how strange! I bought two containers, and ate almost all of them! And this week baby mids is the size of a fig...Awesome!

  4. I have 2 babies and I love when they get along and hate when they fight lol. I know you will always make the right decisions for you Jason and the baby. Though I wouldn't mind having a niece AND nephew since you get one of each :)

  5. My mother always told me (Born in Ireland she was WICKED Catholic) That The Virgin Mother wipes away the memory of pain so that woman will want to bring (laughing now) forth more "Fruit" (Mary came up with the fruit/baby comparison). I would not say that the memory was wiped away, I can say the level of adrenaline felt from the second I went into labor until about a month after Baby was born left me wanting to not only be pregnant again but (insane I know) sad that the labor and delivery process was over.
    I get sad going into a hospital now because I know I'm not leaving with a new baby when I go home.

    *Though I did have Tubal Ligation after Chloe (the day after I gave birth) because I knew I was done with sleep deprivation and I would have wanted another baby in 6 to 8 months. Thanks Mary.

  6. *the the* Type-tarded.
