Tuesday, October 18, 2011

12 weeks

I've reached the 12 week mark! Woohoo!!!
Some of my books and web sites say this is the end of the 1st trimester, but if you divide 40 weeks by 3, it would technically be when I turn 13 weeks. But who's counting...

I'm feeling much better than last week. I don't think I've cried since that episode of X Factor last week - but don't want to jinx myself! Who knows what can set this pregnant lady off!

I'm starting a prenatal yoga class tomorrow and I'm really excited about it. I need it on so many levels... mentally I think it will help calm me down, even if it's only for an hour, once a week; physically I need to get stretching and moving; and socially I'm looking forward to meeting other preggie chicks! At $12 a class that's less than what I used to spend a week on cigarettes, and you can do the math on the cost vs. benefit!

So what's going on with the baby? Well the "peanut" has upgraded from a fig to a lime. (Does anyone else find all these food associations with my baby just a little disturbing?)
I'm reading that the baby's most dramatic changes are that the fingers now open and close, the toes curl, eye muscles clench, and the baby will start to make sucking motions -- in other words, reflexes! Cool.

I'm still waiting for that signature baby bump to arrive. I wake up every morning and feel my tummy. Even though I know it's too early. It's really neat feeling myself grow, even if it's just a bit of padding so far. Too early for maternity clothes, but too lumpy to fit into my jeans. 
Thank you inventors of the bella band. I can still wear my old jeans but unzipped and no one knows the difference. Except you, now that you've read this haha.

Let's hope that the yoga gets me off this crazy train and I can enjoy the wonderful 2nd trimester. I'm hearing that it really is the best of the 3.

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