Friday, October 28, 2011

First Screen Results

Early last week I went to the doctor's for a combined screening to check for the risk of Down's Syndrome and Trisomy 18. The doctor took measurements of the baby's neck during the ultrasound and they also drew blood.
I received the results yesterday and although nothing is really guaranteed, the results are GREAT. I'm told that there is a 1:10,000 chance that the baby could have one of these diseases, which is really good. If there was a higher risk, they would have recommended further, more invasive screening like an amniocentesis. But I'm in the clear - yay!

I have another routine appointment on Halloween. I have literally been there every two weeks! There are routine appointments with the obgyn, and there are the appointments with the ultrasound tech, so they all add up.

The next thing I am looking forward to is finding out the sex! 
I decided to schedule an elective 'gender check' ultrasound appointment at Goldenview in Boston on 11/8. It's a 2D ultrasound with a quick 3D/4D peek at the baby. They also do a live streaming video of the entire session so family and friends that are interested can watch from home! What a great way to have the family find out the gender right along with us!
It's a little expensive, but I just can't wait any longer! I want to start painting and decorating and knowing my baby by name. I want to buy cute baby outifits (NOT in yellow or grey!!) and think about the future by being able to picture a little girl or a little boy in the house...

So, if you haven't voted on the gender in the poll to the right, do so now! We'll find out soon if the chinese gender chart is right (girl) or if the magic pee in the cup thingy (boy) was right!!


  1. Yay I cant wait!! I will be sitting at home eating my popcorn watching my laptop dying to find out if I will have a niece or nephew!!! I love technology!!!

  2. And I told you before the Chinese calendar was right for both my babies <3
