Wednesday, November 23, 2011

17 weeks and more thankful than ever....

The thought of Thanksgiving, and giving thanks, has a whole new meaning to me this year. I have so much to be thankful for.

I am thankful for the little girl that is strong and healthy in my belly. I am thankful that the second trimester seems to be going by 10 times more quickly than the first did. I am thankful that I have an amazing husband who keeps me laughing and who supports me when I need it most.
I am healthy and happy and very very thankful.

My little bundle is now about 5 inches long and weighs as much as a turnip. Who knows how much a turnip weighs... I sure don't. I've never bought one.
She has her own unique fingerprints in place, her skeleton is hardening and the umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger.
I have been feeling her move, but it's not strong and not frequent. It kind of feels like I swallowed a goldfish. I'm looking forward to feeling her kicks stronger and more often. But I know... careful what you wish for...

We get to see her again next Monday for the "big" ultrasound, and probably our last. (sad face.) This is called the anatomy ultrasound and I'm told that they check out the baby from head to toe, literally. they will measure her head and measure her abdomen to make sure that she is growing the way she should. They will check to make sure her structures are growing correclty and that she doesn't have things like a cleft palate.
This is also supposed to be when the gender check occurs. I have been stricken with slight panic that they will suddenly tell me I'm having a boy. I've become so attached to my little girl. I know in my heart I would be ok with having a boy, and that I could return all of the clothes that I bought, but I'm hoping that is not the case. So, keep your fingers crossed and hopefully I will be posting more pictures of my 18 week old baby GIRL.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!

1 comment:

  1. Just read you post. Hope you don't have to return anything. I am sure you will find out it is a little girl. Love you and am thankful for the updates.
