Tuesday, November 29, 2011

18 weeks and growing!

Ok ok so I know I said that I couldn't wait to get the baby bump... well I have it. I feel huge. I know that I'm not, but I feel that way. I don't feel fat, I just feel awkward. 

For anyone who has never been pregnant, I am here to tell you the truth! Being pregnant does not feel cute. Yes, I feel happy and I love feeling the baby move, but I'm also really uncomfortable. I'm experiencing pretty severe pelvic pain. It hurts to walk after sitting or standing still for too long. I have to sleep with a huge body pillow between my legs just to get some rest. I hurt all the way from my back, down to my hips, to my thighs... I hurt in places I didn't know could hurt! Yeah, and I'm not even halfway there. FUN!

As a follow up to my "she's a ... boy" post yesterday - I have to say that I'm adjusting much more quickly than I imagined. It really is true what they say about a mother's love... you will love your child no matter what. We are working on picking out a new name quickly so we can give the 'new' baby his own identity. It's been fun. So far Jason's top picks are Romeo, Elvis and Jesus. hahaha
I've received lots of offers from my mom friends to pass along their old baby boy clothes, and I think that's great. I'm still a bit sad about getting rid of the girl clothes, because we all know that girls clothes are just SOOOOO cute.... But I look forward to dressing my little man in his cool guy clothes.

I wrote a Yelp review about my experience at Goldenview (where they told me that the baby was a girl.) I have to say that I'm very happy with their quick response. Yes, my yelp review was a bit harsh, but I wrote the truth. They offered me a full refund of the Gender Check package and a free visit for the 3D/4D package.

Ok enough about mama... how is baby?
Well he's growing...a lot! Hence all my new discomforts and awkwardness. Head to bum he's about 5 1/2 inches (the size of a bell pepper.) In just 2 more weeks he'll be the length of a banana - double in length! Oh boy!
He's moving and kicking around, which we saw on the ultrasound. I feel it sometimes, but not too strong just yet. He's healthy and everything is tracking where it should be.
I'm reading that this week is about poop! The baby is starting to collect meconium. (ick!)

I think that baby's life is going to get a bit boring from here on out. His main role is to just keep growing, and chub up! I'm pretty sure that I've had my last ultrasound for this pregnancy so I won't see him again until I schedule my 3D/4D ultrasound. 
I'm sure that there will be lots of changes to ME however so stay tuned as we follow this crazy journey together :-)


  1. Im happy to hear your adjusting well! As for the disomfort, im so sorry to hear it. Is the prego yoga helping at all? It might not, with all the growing the baby is doing hes making sure all your stuff gets pushed out of the way as well....it sounds gross but true your poor intestines will be all squished up against all the other abdominal organs...and your poor hips are trying to spread out so mr. mr. can make his way from your belly and into your arms...i hope you can find some relief, and maybe these experienced ladies may have some comfort suggestions, the only thing ive ever heard is a lavender/camomile oil bath can be really soothing. give it a shit! :) we Love you!

  2. Did Annie say give it a shit? HUH? LOL anyways I love you and my NEPHEW! I love him bc he is part of you. As for the discomfort there isnt much you can do. The body pillow always helped me sleep. Hope it gets better for you. Love you. xoxo

  3. Congrats on the baby boy!! I am sure he will melt your heart!!
