Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Week 16... Acceptance

So, here we are, a little past week 16 and you know what... I don't have much to report! Except that I went from hating being pregnant to acceptance. I'm not going to get too crazy and tell you that "I love being pregnant" but I'm kind of ok with it (for now.) And as such, life is kind of boring right now. All of the major testing is out of the way, we know she's a girl, I'm feeling good... Really the only thing I am doing is watching my body morph!

I have been starting to feel the baby move. Nothing strong, and it's not too often, but I feel like I have a goldfish in my belly :-) I have been using the doppler from time to time and her heartbeat is so strong. It's the most beautiful sound in the world.

Each day we fall more and more in love with her and we can't wait to meet her. This is the most exciting and profound thing to happen to our lives. If you ignore my craziness in the first trimester, I have to say this is the most amazing experience. I love my husband more than ever and I am SO excited to see what's next. (I'm scared too, don't get me wrong.)

So let's talk about the little jelly bean, who is actually the size of an avocado, but avocados aren't very cute... She is entering a period of a big growth spurt. Growth spurt for baby means growth spurt for mama, which makes me very thankful for the elastic in maternity jeans! She's about 4 1/2 inches long and everything is moving into place. Her eyes have moved to the front of her head, ears are almost in the right position too, and her neck is straightening out.  Her hair pattern is determined, but she's not growing any hair yet.

We go back to the doctor in a few weeks for an 18 week checkup and another peek at the cutie pie so stay tuned for more pictures!

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